Organometallic Solutions: #10

10.* (1994 3 2) Which of the following redox reactions (A or B) do you expect to be faster? Explain your answer.

A. Ru(en)32+ + Ru(en)33+ --> Ru(en)33+ + Ru(en)32+

B. Co(en)32+ + Co(en)33+ --> Co(en)33+ + Co(en)32+

Because the ligands are not very open to substitution, which is required for an inner-sphere electron transfer mechanism, both reactions have an outer-sphere mechanism. Ru3+ is d5 and Ru2+ is d6, and both ions are low spin because Ruthenium is below the 3d level. Therefore, the transfer occurs from one t2g orbital to another t2g orbital, and there is very little change in bond lengths because the t2g orbitals are non-bonding.

For cobalt, on the other hand, the situation is different. Co3+ is d6 while Co2+ is d7. Therefore, it is necessary to move an electron from an eg orbital to a t2g orbital in order to do this reaction, and there will have to be a concomitant change in bond lengths because eg is antibonding while t2g is nonbonding.

Therefore, the Ruthenium electron transfer reaction is faster.