Coordination Chemistry Solutions: #18

18.* (1993 2 1) For each of the following complexes indicate the oxidation state of the central metal, the d electron configuration and the number of unpaired electrons, and whether the structure is chiral or achiral.

A. Fe(CN)63-

Fe(III), d5, 1 unpaired electron, achiral

B. Ru(bipy)33+

Ru (III), d5, 1 unpaired electron, chiral



strong field, low spin octahedral

C. Pt(CN)42-

Pt(II), d8, 0 unpaired electrons, achiral


square planar

D. p-C6H5Mn(CO)3

Mn(I), d6, 0 unpaired electrons, achiral

strong field, low spin octahedral

E. Ni(PPh3)2(CO)2

Ni(0), d10, 0 unpaired electrons, achiral (tetrahedral).

F. Cr(acac)3

Cr(III), d3, 3 unpaired electrons, chiral
